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UpdateStar Premium 5.2 b1020 Free Six Months License


Note: UpdateStar Premium v6 is released. Get its Six Months free license here.

Hi Friends,

I think most of you know about UpdateStar software. If do not, simply guess it considering the name of software. So, now you know. Yea, the basic purpose of UpdateStar is to tell you about updates of installed software. Not only updates but also gives you the facility of Add Remove software, software snapshot, Security analysis and security level, Registry cleaner, etc.

I have already shared UpdateStar Premium promos (here n here) with the interval six months each. In fact, it looks like Updatestar does not want us to have computer without their software. This new promo will also give you six month license. You will have six months worry free from checking updates.

James has written an interesting article UpdateStar: Provides Search Engine-Like Features for Software Updating. So, I will not write about its features now but would like to say a few words. In fact, I am missing few features which should be the part of UpdateStar Premium. I talked about these features in my last article about it and still there are no signs of those features. I wish they could add Drivers update function. It will be really nice and useful addition. One other thing is to download update, clicking on Download button does not start download but open a webpage where we have to download manually the updated version. No more talking on features. You can see an official comparison chart below.

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Let’s us go to download it.

Open the following web address into your browser and fill a really shortest form: just your eMail and submit it.


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You will have an eMail from . Check that eMail and you will find your license in the middle of the eMail.

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Download UpdateStar Premium from the following web address and use the license to get your premium features. Enjoy It.


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